Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy Flooring
Perfect for your home or business, epoxy flooring coats your concrete slab for seamless, durable, slip resistant flooring. Epoxy doesn't absorb liquids like oils or acids the say concrete does, making it the perfect fit for garages, manufacturing facilities, commercial kitchens, and more.
Offering affordable epoxy flooring installation. Call for your free estimate.
Maintenance for Epoxy Floors
- Simply dust the floor regularly with a microfiber pad to keep dirt off the floor.
- Wet mop the floor with hot water and ammonia. Apply with a microfiber mop.
- Clean spills and stains when they happen. To remove tough stains like engine oil, ammonia and water should get the job done. Your floor will resist soaking in any stains, but negligence can lead to staining.
Epoxy Color Chart

Residential Flooring
Commercial Flooring
Exterior Surfaces